Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

 Mother's Day is always bitter sweet for me because although I love being a mom and I love my three children dearly, I also think about my own mom and how much I miss her. My husband, Lee, always  makes Mother's Day so special because of this. This weekend was not only special because of Mother's Day, but I also celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary. 

Lee would not tell me where we were going or what we were doing except that I needed to have my bags packed and we were leaving Friday. After I finished my last appointment on Friday, I raced home to find one of my presents wrapped in a speeding ticket that Lee had gotten. My first thought was, "whatever he has wrapped up better be good!"

I was not disappointed when I opened the package and saw that it was a Spa Day at the Pinehurst Resort. We dropped the kids off in Raleigh and had a day with just the two of us, which was so nice!

We toured the historic Carolina Inn

and relaxed on the porches. 

After Lee and I spent time roaming through shops and having time just sitting and talking, we went to the Spa and had the most relaxing afternoon I have had in a long time!

As relaxing and enjoyable as the day was in Pinehurst, it was so good to see my babies again. 
On Sunday, we visited my mom's tombstone and took fresh flowers to her grave. 
It is so precious to see my children speak so sweetly to my mom's grave. 

Piper, Zander, and me snuggling on Mother's Day night. (Sutton was already in bed)

Sweet Piper after a long weekend away. This is what makes Mother's Day so precious. 

How was your Mother's Day? 
Do you have any Mother's Day traditions that you share with your family?

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